Thursday, January 22, 2009

When the ATF pisses you off...

...just be glad you don't live in Canada. I'm doing some research on what, if any, of my firearms I will be able to take to Alaska with me (I'm planning on driving up there and would like to avoid shipping them if at all possible). Looks like I should be alright except for my AR, possibly my Carbine, mags for both the AR and the Carbine, and both my CZ and Sig handguns (no handguns with a barrel length under 4'' are permitted into Canada...the P225 has a barrel length of 3.9''). Of course, all firearms and ammunition will have to be locked up securely while in transport, but I expected that. It would probably be easier to just ship them all, but I don't like the idea of turning over a considerable investment to UPS or FedEx.