Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Disclaimer: This blog represents my views and my views alone; anything read here should not be taken to represent the USAF, DoD, or anyone or anything else.
Previous Posts
- Stick a Fork in NATO?
- Obama and the Aussies
- Good Stuff from AFA
- The Immelmann Turn
- Swiss Pilots
- Iran at War
- Barack Obama is articulate.OMG RACISM OMG!!!!!1111...
- Couple of USAF Thoughts
- Smart Grunts

>Blogs that link here
I have the freedom to choose to offend...unlike many of those I am offending.
Terror Alert Level
I can't stand angst, especially that of the teen kind. So take your angst somewhere else. This is the No Angst Zone.
2Slick's Forum365 and a Wakeup (Back from the Sandbox)
A Day in Iraq (In the Sandbox)
Air Force Voices
Armor Geddon
Assumption of Command (Back from the Sandbox)
Blog Machine City (In the Sandbox)
Boots in Baghdad (Back from the Sandbox)
Canada to Kandahar (In the 'Stan)
Citizen Smash
Clemson Pilot
Dadmanly (Back from the Sandbox)
Desert Odyssey (Back from the Sandbox)
Doc in the Box
Eagle Speak
Far East cynic
Flight Pundit
Going Down Range (In the 'Stan)
Guidons, Guidons, Guidons
in Defense (In Basic)
In Iraq for 365
Jack Army
The Jman (Back from theSandbox)
Jon Jivan (Back from the Sandbox)
Life in X Minor (In the 'Stan)
Major K. (Back from the Sandbox)
Major Mike
Michael Yon (In the Sandbox)
Sgt. Missick
MREeater (Back from the Sandbox)
Mudville Gazette
Neptunus Lex
One Heckuva Roar
Patriot Voices
Pilot Crossing
Red2Alpha (Miss you, Mike; In the Sandbox)
Reserve Pilot
Reverse Retina from the Sandlot (In the Sandbox)
SF Alpha Geek
Stacking Swivel
Steeljaw Scribe
Iraqi blogs
Free IraqiIbn Al-Rafidain
Iraq the Model
Afghan blogs
Afghan WarriorLibertarian Blogs
The AgitatorEidelblog
Eric's Grumbles Before The Grave
Fearless Philosophy for Free Minds
The Liberty Papers
T.F. Stern's Rantings
The Unrepentant Individual
Foreign Policy
Austin BayBelmont Club
Bobby's World
Counter-Terrorism Blog
The Diplomad (Inactive)
New Sisyphus
Winds of Change
The Big Boys
National ReviewThe Corner
IMAOBlogs 4 Bauer
The Banty Rooster
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