Cheap and Tawdry
You know, for all the slamming I do of our government, and the military in particular, for their not understanding the principles of 4GW and the importance of the media and perceptions, I can be thankful that those domestically who are on the other side are even less competent. (Less competent than the, that's a low blow.)

Also in attendance were Sean "I went to Iraq, you know" Penn, Susan "skills are fading with age" Sarandon, Tim "guuuard" Robbins, Rep. John "IMPEACHMENT!!!!111" Conyers, and a 12 year old who organized a petition drive to end the war in her school. If this is the brain trust the left puts together to oppose the war, I think we should feel pretty secure that things will be fine.

Also in attendance were Sean "I went to Iraq, you know" Penn, Susan "skills are fading with age" Sarandon, Tim "guuuard" Robbins, Rep. John "IMPEACHMENT!!!!111" Conyers, and a 12 year old who organized a petition drive to end the war in her school. If this is the brain trust the left puts together to oppose the war, I think we should feel pretty secure that things will be fine.
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