Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monty Python vid dump

Vids that have provided some scant amusement during the past couple of weeks of slaving away at my Pol S project...

How I feel about hippies Design Students:

Would've been nice to have this guy at FT:

I don't even know what my favorite part of this sketch is...

I suspect this would be a lot funnier if I actually understood Cricket (and Americans think football [the real kind] is weird) but a guy getting his head lopped off by a machete in a sporting event is funny no matter what country you're from...

Suitable comment on the state of the British military at the moment, I think:

I think these two are tied for my favorite Flying Circus sketches...

One of the local PBS stations used to show Flying Circus later at night on the weekends when I was in junior high. Not having many friends and no cable had its benefits, I suppose.