Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bad news Tuesday

Three awful pieces of news out of Iraq today...the first that I'm sure you've heard about is the butchering of two American soldiers, Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore. That's all I'm going to say about that because there is a time for everything...now is a time for mourning Pfc. Menchaca and Pfc. Tucker. The time for talk and vengeance will come later. The next piece of news is probably less known, but is no less awful. The U.S. Army revealed today that Spc. Patrick R. McCaffrey Sr. and 1st Lt. Andre D. Tyson were not shot in an ambush in 2004 as first thought, but instead were fired upon by Iraqi security officers that were patrolling with them. While the deaths are horrible in and of themselves, the blow of trust that this news could bring would be even more damaging.

Although I hate to be forced to bring this up, Ms. McCaffrey can't keep her yap shut and remember her son as a patriot who served his country. Instead, she is going after the Pentagon full-bore: ""When they come I have my list of questions ready, and I want these answers and I don't want lies," McCaffrey's mother, Nadia McCaffrey, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press." It's later revealed in the article that Ms. McCaffrey has become a "vocal critic" of the war. While states that she has her questions ready, it appears that she has already jumped to her own conclusions about the incident: ""I really want this story to come out; I want people to know what happened to my son," she said. "There is no doubt to me that this (ambushes by attached Iraqi units) is still happening to soldiers today, but our chain of command is awfully reckless; they don't seem to give a damn about what's happening to soldiers.""

On one hand, the entire U.S. military. On the other, a grieving mother who hasn't been briefed and knows...well, next to nothing about this incident anyway. I know who I believe; unfortunately, too many Americans are willing to believe the other. Hopefully Ms. McCaffrey doesn't turn into another Cindy Sheehan; sadly, it appears that she is well on her way.

Finally, the third piece of bad news out of Iraq today...proving that they are doing their best to sink past their use of a teen with Down Syndrome as a suicide bomber, insurgents today attacked the elderly in a bomb attack against a line of pension collectors, killing two elderly women and wounding three. I would include a remark about "what's next" here, but I really can't think of anything lower than this, other than killing babies...which they have done.

Cowardly bastards.

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