Monday, November 07, 2005

Update on Valour-IT

Here's an Update on Valour-IT...out of the total of $84,000, we've raised $44,220.99. (Yes, I know...some joker for the Army had to throw in the $.99). Anyway, that's the good news. So keep on giving! We've got a week and we're over halfway there.

Time for the bad news. Out of that $41,000 some, Team Air Force has only contributed a paltry $4,625. Yes, that's right. $4,625. That's not even a quarter of our total. So start giving!

Unfortunately, unlike Smash, I do not have a lovely wife to auction. I live on a dorm floor with a bunch of other college students (read: POOR), so that's a no go. Really, I have nothing to offer you, other than the satisfaction that comes with helping to treat our wounded soldiers well.

And quite honestly, that should be more than enough.

So give, please.

Besides, I want to post the finales to these two pictures:

*Well, anyway, blogger is being stupid, so the pictures are of an A-10 and a Harpoon right next to a ship. Give me reason to post the end results.*

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