Friday, March 25, 2005


Sorry about the lack of posting; I've had a lot of crap going on in my life, so I haven't been able to post as much as I'd like to on the Terri Schiavo issue. In all honesty, that issue is so emotional its not really wise to comment on the legality of it until the emotion has subsided. So I'm going to do my part to bring your attention to an issue that should be front-page news, and would be in any other news cycle. It has all the required elements: a homosexual, a minority (hispanic), and a hate crime.

The basic gist of the story is that a hispanic gay man was "severely" beaten for being gay in Santa Fe, N.M., which is apparently the San Francisco of the Southwest. After the standard introduction about how gays are now "nervous" and "afraid," and a rehash of what went down, we have this gem:

"The community is depressed and outraged, and there's a lot of activity as far as discussing next steps," said Rachel Rosen, a friend of the Maestas family and chairwoman of Equality New Mexico, a gay rights organization."

I'm just curious, but do we usually discuss "next steps" every time someone gets beaten? Every time there is are assault charges filed on someone? Why are minorities always singled out for special treatment? A better question is how Ms. Rosen knows that the entire community is "depressed and outraged." The story relates the fact that 2% of all households are headed by homosexuals. Two percent. The gay community might be depressed and outraged, but I doubt the entire city of Santa Fe is up in arms over a single, relatively mild (He suffered a broken nose, a concussion, and some lung injuries), beating of a gay man. But hey, a little hyperbole never hurt anyone, especially when we're dealing with minorities and hate crimes.

Then there is the superb use of logic by the gay-rights activists:

"Seeking a root cause, some have blamed anti-gay language during the current session of the Legislature, where a measure to ban gay marriage has been debated. That bill was prompted in part by a New Mexico county clerk's decision to issue marriage licenses last year to about 60 gay couples."

Because the kind of men that beat up innocent gay men are definitely the type that follow what is going on in the New Mexico state legislature. Heck, I'm a politics and news junkie, and I don't even really follow what goes on in the Unicameral. The fact of the matter is that the activists are going by their SOP following a hate crime: immediately tie a random act of violence against a member of a minority to political measures that are "anti" whatever minority was assaulted.

Hey, look who just proved my point for me!

"I can tell you that anywhere that there is anti-gay rhetoric and hate speech allowed in our schools and in the Legislature, there will be violence," Rosen said."

First, notice how any speech that is "anti-gay" automatically becomes hate speech, thanks to her use of the "and" conjunction. Gotta love linguistics. Second, where the heck do schools come in? I didn't hear anything at all mentioned about schools; the men accused of the beatings are, with the exception of a 17 year old, all out of high school; the pair of gay men that were assaulted are as well. The is another part of activist SOP following a hate crime: in addition to tying the act of violence to political measures, make sure you get the schools and "the youth" involved; make a statement to the effect that the culture of "anti-(insert minority here)" that is prevalent in our schools is partially responsible for this act of violence.

It is disgusting that these activists are using the very real tragedy of a man getting beaten for who he is to make political points to advance their pro-homosexual agenda, to the point of trying to imply that if we don't outlaw "anti-gay speech" for being "hate speech," more violence will ensure.

The First Amendment applies to me, but not to thee.

This last quote is just sad:

" Now out of the hospital, Maestas has remained out of public view. Friends describe him as a funny, peaceful person who doesn't know how to fight."

Not to be cold and cruel and heartless, but if you don't know how to fight and how to defend yourself, what do you honestly expect to happen? The police can't be there for you all the time; if you do not know how or are unwilling to defend yourself, you will get beaten. With this kind of mentality, he's lucky he wasn't killed.